Materials and characteristics of Advertising banners
Advertising banners are sturdy, weatherproof advertising media and can be used flexibly as advertising media both indoors and outdoors. They can be installed on small surfaces like windows, doors or light boxes, on exterior façades and walls, on construction hoarding and scaffolds as well as on small and large vehicles. Depending on the intended use and destination, you need to select the appropriate banner variant for your advertising presentations. As a small help in decision-making, here is some detailed information about the different materials, advertising banners and variants.
These materials are available:
- Frontlit, the material for the standard advertising banner
- Blockout, for banners that are to be printed on both sides, e.g. stretched across a street or as an advertising medium for an exhibition hall or department shop
- Backlit, for light boxes, which are supposed to make advertising visible also at night
- Mesh, for advertising media on construction hoardings and scaffolds or other areas not protected from the wind